20 October 2022
The South African Association of Public Administration and Management (SAAPAM) welcomes the approval of the National Implementation Framework towards the Professionalization of the Public Service by cabinet. In this regard the association takes this opportunity to congratulate the ministerial task team on its completion of this important and strategic task. The framework was published for public consultation in 2021.
Following a public consultation process which was said to have involved the civil society, universities, research institutions, public sector institutions and professional bodies, the Government took a decision to bring independent expertise to evaluate the evidence, conduct peer review, and make specific recommendations regarding the proposed framework. The erstwhile Minister of Public Service and Administration, Mr Senzo Mchunu appointed a High-Level Task team on the Professionalization Framework led by a longstanding member and former president of SAAPAM Professor Mashupye Maserumule as convenor. The members of the task team represent a wide array of institutions and sectors, including representation from Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA), think tanks, state-owned training academies, academia, and the legal fraternity.
The report which recommends measures to strengthen the capabilities and capacities of Directors General in the public service was approved by Cabinet. In the report, several suggestions were made, including the tenure of DGs and management of delegations to accounting officers by the Executive Authority.
Furthermore, the report recommended that the Director General of the Presidency be designated as the Head of Public Administration. While in the provinces these functions will be assigned to the DGs in the offices of the premiers in each province. In addition, the report recommended measures for guiding departments on managing the contracts of DGs. Revisions to the revised Performance Management System for DGs to ensure compliance with the approved framework are also said to be underway.
The Association views this as a landmark development in the critical process of churning out an effective, efficient, and professional public service which is essential for the government to accomplish its mandate as emphatically prescribed by the constitution of South Africa.
“It is this kind of public service that distinguishes modern democracies from their predecessors. This basically means that the government bureaucracy is not tied to a particular political party. It is nonpartisan and remains in place no matter which party is in power. Administrators do not have to engage in bidding for politicians to hold on to their jobs” said the Executive Director of SAAPAM, Dr John Molepo
The framework which benefited from a public consultation process equally affirms the role played by professional associations such as SAAPAM which plays an important role in the effort to promote professionalism in the public service.
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