Provincial chapters:

  • The National Board of Directors shall encourage the establishment of chapters by regional and specialist groups of members provided that:
  • At least 25 members of a region or specialist group must support a proposal to establish a chapter in writing;
  • Each chapter shall have its own Constitution, subject to the provisions of the Constitution of SAAPAM;
  • The assets and accounts of chapters shall be part of SAAPAM, but the National Board of Directors can approve another arrangement for specialized affiliated organisations;
  • Each chapter shall have a bank account in the name of the particular chapter; and
  • The Executive Director shall be informed of the intentions of each regional chapter to arrange seminars, colloquia, conferences or any such events, including activities to raise funds.

Each chapter shall have its own Board of Directors consisting of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and at least three but not more than ten (10) other members. Office bearers of chapters shall be elected individually by a majority vote of members of SAAPAM who belong to the particular chapter, provided that each candidate shall have his/her residence or principal place of employment within the geographical area of the region.